MID TRIBULATION RAPTURE Understanding how the rapture happens in the middle of the last week of years and its magnitude. MID TRIBULATION RAPTURE, WHY 3 1/2 YEARS? The Bible actually says how long the terms of the Antichrist and Two Witnesses are, which reveals the timing of the rapture. THE TRIBULATION AND THE WRATH OF GOD Understanding what really happens during the last 7 years of this Age. CAN THE RAPTURE HAPPEN AT ANY TIME? When all the events line up according to prophecy, the rapture will happen. So what is left necessary for the Word of God to be fulfilled? EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM Jesus is coming for His bride. And He is not eloping. The rapture is so much bigger (and the events that surround it) than we can even know. It will be a huge event.
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