Israel, both corporately and individually, awaits their Messiah. It is a common viewpoint in Israel that if the temple is rebuilt, Messiah will come or if Messiah comes, the temple will be rebuilt. Israel awaits both wholeheartedly.
Many Jews believe that Israel was selected by God, to be His chosen people, as examples to the world. To lead the world. There are many viewpoints in believing that is will come to pass with Jews around the world returning to Israel. This to some is called Zionism. Additionally, when Messiah comes, it is believed that Israel will take her rightful place in global leadership and in the stabilization of the nations and people of the earth.
Christian's believe that Jesus of Nazareth was/is the Messiah, as Son of God and Son of Man. Christians indeed are looking for an Antichrist that will be a political and religious leader globally. Many think he will start out as a political leader, such as president or prime minister; or a religious leader such as a Pope; starting out small and rising to full global power.
To many, and including this author, we would find it almost impossible for the Jews to think a non-Jew could be believed by the Jews to be their Messiah. Jesus said many false Christs (false Messiahs) would come and that while Israel (in general) did not receive Him, they would later receive the one who will come in his own name (John 5:43). The apostle John explains how to be an antichrist means they have to deny Jesus of Nazareth as the real Messiah (1John 2:22-23,4:3,2 John 1:7) and this evil one, will pose as the alleged real Messiah (Mark 13:21-22).
Fiction has captured the hearts of many who have not taken the words of Jesus Christ and the early apostles seriously. The “Antichrist” is a false Messiah. Could the people of the nation of Israel fall for a Catholic Pope or Gentile leader as their long awaited Messiah?
Time will tell and it may not be long until we all know for sure if this false Messiah is part Jewish, non Jewish or Gentile, but one thing is for sure, he has to convince Israel that he is their Savior.
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